Partners and funders

Funding by the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund as approved by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR), has propelled a new round of research focused on understanding and predicting blue-green algae.

Partners in this research include University of Minnesota Extension, University of Minnesota Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory (SAFL), University of Minnesota Duluth Natural Resources Research Institute, Minnesota Sea Grant, the Science Museum of Minnesota, and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA).

Extension Water Resources contact for this project is Shahram Missaghi.

About our partners

Researchers at University of Minnesota SAFL are working to characterize the water and weather conditions that give rise to blue-green algal blooms in Madison Lake.

UMN SAFL planning team members: Michele Guala, Miki Hondzo, Shahram MissaghiAnne Wilkinson

At the Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota Duluth, researchers are examining relationships among geographic, climatic and water quality stressors, and algal responses.

UMN Duluth planning team members: Andrew Bramburger, Chris Filstrup

Researchers at the University of Minnesota West Central Research and Outreach Center investigate the growth characteristics of algae, focusing on the interface between microbiology and chemical engineering.

St. Croix Watershed Research station of the Science Museum of Minnesota gathers information to better predict when, why and for how long HABs have occurred in Minnesota lakes.

Science Museum planning team members: Adam Heathcote, Mark Edlund

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) gives advice and up-to-the-minute reports on water quality throughout the state. "When in doubt, best keep out!"

MPCA planning team member: Pam Anderson

Through scientific research and public education programs, Minnesota Sea Grant works to enhance Minnesota’s coastal environment and economy.

Minnesota Sea Grant planning team member: Marte Kitson

Other planning team members

Richard Kiesling, U.S. Geological Survey, Minnesota Water Science Office