Minnesota HAB planning team

The Minnesota Harmful Algal Blooms (MN HAB) group is a collaboration of researchers, agencies and water resources professionals working together to understand the impact of HABs on Minnesota lakes and streams.

Our team of scientists, researchers and educators work on lakes and streams across the state. We deliver presentations and workshops to help guide water quality leaders make decisions about local HAB prevention and management. 

Contact group coordinator Shahram Missaghi to discuss how we can help. 

Pam Anderson, Supervisor, Water Quality Monitoring Unit, MPCA

Andrew Bramburger, Research associate, NRRI

Mark Edlund, Senior scientist, Science Museum of Minnesota

Chris Filstrup, Inland lakes specialist, Minnesota Sea Grant

Michele Guala, Associate director of research, SAFL

Adam Heathcote, Associate scientist, Science Museum of Minnesota

Miki Hondzo, Professor, College of Science and Engineering, SAFL

Richard Kiesling, USGS, Minnesota Water Science Center

Marte Kiston, Extension educator, Sea Grant

Shahram Missaghi, Associate Extension professor, Team contact

Ben Von Korff, Water quality specialist, Minnesota State University, MPCA

Anne Wilkinson, Water resource engineer, Wenck Associates